Polyvalent Everyday Places, Sao Paulo
DiskussionThe concept of Polyvalent Everyday Places and the Repertoire of Polyvalent Elements was our contribution to the 12th International Architecture Biennial of Sao Paulo 2019 – todo dia / everyday – where we intended to continue a critical reflection upon while projecting Polyvalent Elements.
We expressed this invitation to our colleagues and students from Escola da Cidade / Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Sao Paulo, FADU, UBA / Buenos Aires and the Chair of Urban Planning and Design SuE / University of Stuttgart to discuss, reflect and build with this concept during a three-day workshop at Escola da Cidade and the Biennial.
We initiated an open, productive debate on the concept and adjacent issues – not only in its theoretical dimension but also by designing and building Elements and allocating them in an complex urban condition – Praca da Republica, one of the public spaces in the centre of Sao Paulo characterized by a lack of sojourn quality but also by great potential to change the current situation.
The conference „Polyvalent Everyday Places“ at the 12th International Architectural Biennial of São Paulo 2019 was held by Prof. Dr. Martina Baum and showed the results and learnings form the previous workshop and lead to a discussion on the topic with Prof. Cristiane Muniz, Prof. Jose Paulo Gouvea, Ciro Miguel and Prof. Markus Vogl.
University of Stuttgart
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
Institute of Urban Design
Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. Dr. Martina Baum
Sascha Bauer
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism
„Walter Gropius“ – Chair (.UBA, fadu – DAAD)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. titular ad honorem Markus Vogl
Associacao Escola da Cidade
Rua General Jardim, 65
Vila Buarque [metro Republica]
CEP: 01223-011 – Sao Paulo SP
Tel.: +55 (11) 3258 8108
Rua Dr. Ribeiro de Almeida, 166
Barra Funda
Sao Paulo SP
Supported by the General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sao Paulo, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Goethe-Institute Sao Paulo.